AM2 Resit Enquiry

Who is the course for?

If you have previously taken your AM2 assessment and have not passed you are permitted to retake the sections that you did not pass.

All assessments have be split into sub-sections, so that should candidates need to re-sit they will only need to retake the failed sub-section/s.

By allowing the candidate to re-sit only the sub-section/s failed, it reduces re-sit costs and associated stress linked to time away from work to repeat the whole build.

Please be aware that the ESFA recommends a limit of two re-sits, however more than two re-sits can be taken if needed, unless otherwise specified in the assessment plan. An action plan would need to be submitted after 2 re-sits.

If more than one section needs to be re-sat, this would need to be a re-take following further training.

For more information on each of the sections please visit our course pages.




AM2 Re-Sit Costs and Durations

Section A composite installation, resit sections

Lighting circuit and ring final circuit 2.25 Hrs 1 section £220
SWA and monitor circuit 2.25  Hrs 2 sections £345
Central heating 2 Hrs 3 sections £410
Bonding, data and safety circuit 2 Hrs 4 sections £490
Containment (AM2S/E only) 1.5 Hrs 5 sections £540

Other Sections

A1- Safe Working Practices 45 min £170
B-Inspection, Testing and certification 3.5 Hrs £235
C-Safe Isolation 30  min £170
D-Fault Diagnostics and Rectification 2 Hrs £235
E- Assessments of Applied Knowledge
(online exam)
1 Hr £170

Course Cost:

Once you have submitted your application our assessor will contact you to confirm resit costs and dates.

Individual section costs and durations can be viewed above.

Entry Requirements:

Complete and submit your NET Registration Form

AM2 Resit Enquiry

Maximum file size: 10MB

Please download this form, fill it out and re-upload it here.
NET Registration Form